Monday, October 8, 2012

Canadian Thanksgiving Day

Good Morning, my glamourous people!

I want to take the time today to thank and to cheers the whole Canadian nation for its Thanksgiving Day!
I personally want to thank all my the ladies form canada who were at the latest Create Your Style Cruise and got to be with me and Wyatt at our workshops - you ladies became fans and have been following and supporting our work since then. 
Thanks also to all the ladies and gentlemen from Montreal who I have meet last year, we had a ball at Wyatt's class and was incredibly inspiring to meet so many talented artists.
Last but not least, special thanks to all my colleagues at John Bead Corporation - our journey  has just started!

Eat, drink, love and dance!

" Thanksgiving Day in Canada is linked to the European tradition of harvest festivals. A common image seen at this time of year is a cornucopia, or horn, filled with seasonal fruit and vegetables. This represents the "Horn of Plenty", which was a symbol of bounty and plenty in ancient Greece. Turkeys, pumpkins, ears of corn and large displays of food are also used to symbolize Thanksgiving Day. "

With love,



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